Generate and create repair request simple and easy using the Spectora repair request. Provided to you with every home inspection Free! Make repairs and negotiations simple again!

Agents – Make the Entire Negotiation Process Simple Again

Once you use our Repair Request Builder, you will never want to go back again. Simple, effective, and provided automatically in our reports!

Step 1

In the upper right-hand corner of our HTML report that you are provided, click on the “Agent Tools” button and then click “Repair Request Builder”


Step 2

Click on the item you want to include in the repair request report, and then enter the amount you are requesting for this item.

Step 3

After previewing your repair request report, simply click on “Complete” and the report is generated automatically, and you can send it right from our system.


Effective, Simple – & Free of Charge

In addition to this, we have created checklists for you to Download and help make your job easier. Below are download links to lists designed with you in mind.
Eliminate the 3 ring binder inspection reports with “The Seller Inspection Check List”. We have designed The Seller Inspection Check List to help your client get a cleaner inspection report. Simply download and give the checklist to your client before their inspection.

Also, when it’s time to get the home ready for winter. This checklist is designed to remind you to check things you may have forgotten from the spring and summer, reverse ceiling fans, check and clean gutters, replace filters, and much more!

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